methods of establishing control points in surveying pdf

methods of establishing control points in surveying pdf

Trilateration and its Principles • Trilateration is a highly accurate and precise method of establishing and expanding horizontal control. (a) Designation of station (County name and sequential number). The multiple occupations methods that are analyzed are limited to those which were found in literature and are given in Table 1. Set the instrument coordinates with "Stn. Temporary Bench Mark (TBM) • A moveable object that has a known height above a pre-defined level. Establishing horizontal control. 2. Control Surveys and Their Importance. Use control points that are of an accuracy standard equal to or better than that desired on the new points. establish a survey plan that includes checks on accuracy, e.g. Level from this height through the project control following recommended leveling procedures identified in the CDOT Survey Manual, Chapter 5. 8 Consult with the Regional Land Surveyor for approval to use other survey methods. Working from whole to part. On projects that don't require survey control, localized control may . The shape of the triangles is important as there is a lot of inaccuracy in a long skinny triangle, but one with base . Abstract. consisting of three broad steps: reconnaissance survey, preliminary survey, location survey; which helps in collecting requisite data for planning, design and execution of engineering projects such as construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams etc. The values of horizontal control points known in NAD83(19XX) are used with Other methods might be used such as intersection, resection, and traversing, although not on the same kind of task. There are several methods of traversing, depending on the instruments used in determining the relative directions of the traverse lines. Horizontal control network may be established by one of the following methods: traversing, triangulation, trilateration, GPS, photogrammetry. Control survey uses geodetic methods to establish widely spaced vertical and horizontal control points. Differential Leveling Importance of Vertical Positions Avertical positionis the height of a point relative to some reference surface, such as mean sea level, a geoid, or an ellipsoid. • To make a traverse survey. Closed traverses yield adequate accuracy for property boundary surveys, provided that an established control point is nearby. With traversing, a series of horizontal distances and angles are measured. Information on control points established by the Contractor. Using trigonometry and the measured length of just one side, the other distances in the triangle are calculated. Once the survey control has been set, then all other surveys can commence and tie into those pre-established control points. Trilateration and its Principles • Trilateration is a highly accurate and precise method of establishing and expanding horizontal control. Secondary Grid . - In Control survey more care to accuracy. The secondary control points are reference to the primary control stations. This information shall be collected on monument description cards as shown in Appendix D and shall include the following information. Geodetic surveying is the responsibility of the national surveying and mapping organization, which undertake geodetic surveys, using precise instruments and surveying The first step when performing the field reconnaissance is recovery of geodetic control survey stations for the project. This ellipsoid is smooth and does not account for surface irregularities. The ellipsoid is a mathematically defined surface around on the earth's center of mass that approximates the size and shape of the Earth. This method provides the strongest control network. Release the upper set screw. x To establish accurate control points for plane and geodetic surveys of large areas x To determine size and shape of the earth by making observations for . This level is not absolute and is defined locally by the surveyors for the purpose of the survey. Intersection, resection, and satellite positioning are also the other methods in horizontal control surveys. 1) Surveying based on Nature of Survey. Triangulation is a surveying method that measures the angles in a triangle formed by three survey control points. Wild NL nadir telescope was considered for centering and projection. It is also used in geodetic work. Establish the baseline, an accurately measured distance between 2 control points. 1. There is no angle measurement are used and direction of the lines are fined entirely by linear measurements. Indirect methods. Angles fixed by linear or tie measurements are called chain angles. Marking of point B´ in this direction in required distance d (if high accuracy is not necessary result) If high accuracy is demanded, setting-out of the angle has to be repeated in the face right position of the telescope and point B´´ is marked. Traverse networks have many advantages . (b) Establishing agency (name of Contractor or subcontractor who Land Survey professionals are required to establish a survey control for a project. 1. Generally, it enables to know the composition of the earth. 2. • Method of control survey in which a network of triangles is used as in triangulation system. Geodetic surveying. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor.These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish maps and boundaries for ownership . Survey Grid . It is created by rotating an ellipse around the shorter polar axis to match the Earth's actual shape. These are traditional methods to find coordinates of the stations and are time consuming. The following documents may have relevance to the application of this Guideline. This method is not suitable for accurate work. The purpose of the project was to carry out a horizontal and vertical control survey along Osogbo-Ogbomoso road running from Oke-Awesin in Ifon up to Ilajue in Oyo State to provide reference for . RTK METHOD WITH A BASE STATION TDOT control points should be located on the job and the base should be setup on one of the control points (preferably one that has the best visibility of the sky and is 2. methods will only be briefly addressed, along with references to other publications. For large structures primary and secondary control points are used. There are many different methods used by surveyors. Using trigonometry and the measured length of just one side, the other . In the middle of points B´and B´´ B (result) 17 Typically, Control Surveys are used to establish durable, sustainable reference points to be used as the basis for and throughout a project's lifecycle and beyond. • Plan supplemental control. Department of Survey and Mapping. iii) Geological Survey Geological survey is used to determine the structure and arrangement of rock strata. This includes the established key methods of control to show how the work will be managed which ensures that the nominated tolerances and quality are achieved. Traverse survey methods described in this chapter are largely drawn from FM 3-34.331. b. Vertical control survey methods. Coordinate" and then select [OK] and return to "Backsight" horizontal distance The horizontal control consists of reference marks of known plan position, from which salient points of designed structures may be set out. Different Methods of traversing 1) Chain traversing In this method the whole work is done with chain and tape. Triangulation as a form of horizontal control is applied when a large area is to be surveyed and when the methods of traversing would not be expected to maintain a uniformly high accuracy over the entire area. In establishing the line of a new highway the engineering surveyor will initially establish a control network which is the framework of survey points or 'stations' for which the co-ordinates are precisely determined. If the distance is greater then 50 m mark the tape lengths with survey pins. There should be a MINIMUM of 4 points surrounding the job site. Geodetic surveying is the responsibility of the national surveying and mapping organization, which undertake geodetic surveys, using precise instruments and surveying additional control points to be subsequently used to establish the road centre-line. Control Survey Procedures • Research the existing horizontal and vertical control networks. (a) Designation of station (County name and sequential number). 3. Plane Surveying: The type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane, or in which its spheroidal shape is neglected, with regard to horizontal distances and directions. • Recover and evaluate existing control. • To reduce the field data, adjusting a traverse and plot the results graphically. Site Grid . The following types of reference grids are used: 1. This situation has all but disappeared in most countries. Highway Surveying Manual Page 15-5 January 2005 Construction Survey Procedures Figure 15-2B Hand Written Generated Slope Stake Notes There are various ways to slope stake a project, depending on which method you choose. To establish the control points for other methods of surveying such as plane table surveying, chain surveying etc. • To find the elavation or height of a pole or building indirectly. Other survey methods may still be acceptable, but RTK has been found to be the most efficient method. Datums are consistent. These methods are triangulation, trilateration, intersection, resection, and satellite positioning. Mount the transit (theodolite) on the tripod. USGS or County Control Stations) are not automatically updated to the latest NGS datum and adjustment. Traversing is the approach of control survey (Control Surveys are used to create long-term, sustainable reference points that can be utilized as the foundation for and throughout the lifecycle of a project) to establish control points (reference points). The exact method used depends of the terrain, equipment available, information needed and economic factors. Station the tripod over a control point. Structural Grid . It includes linear and angular measurement. The surveyor shall verify that the positional accuracy meets or exceeds the survey specifications. Most of the mapping is done with aerial photographs. traverses until there is a sufficient density of control points for the whole country, at which stage there is a comprehensive geodetic survey for the country. Use this method when you have 2 known survey points with the instrument established on one and the mirror target on the other survey point From the "MEAS" menu select [COORD] and then "Stn. - Local elevation change information in unconsolidated coastal sediments A network of permanent survey control points are required to accurately measure the relative movements of these observing systems andhiddid to compare their data trends over time. The problem is that there was a large height difference The first step when performing the field reconnaissance is recovery of geodetic control survey stations for the project. Traverse networks involve placing survey stations along a line or path of travel and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point. Survey grid is one which is drawn on a survey plan . Direct Methods. Trilateration. Operations in Surveying: Control Survey: Made to establish the horizontal and vertical positions of arbitrary points. This could be anywhere from a few kilometres, to 50 kilometres or more. HORIZONTAL CONTROLS & ITS METHODS. Horizontal control: arbitrary line tied to property line or HWY center or coordinated control . The roughly 600,000 vertical control points in the U.S. traverses until there is a sufficient density of control points for the whole country, at which stage there is a comprehensive geodetic survey for the country. a. 1. Identify and mark a number of key fixed points that will serve as control (reference) for all subsequent surveying. location or engineering survey is then carried out from these stations. Surveying Methods for Establishing and Monitoring Vertical Control Networks 11. CORS RTN is being used successfully to survey photogrammetric control. • Plan the project control network and select the methods for establishing control. Traverse networks involved placing the survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point. To establish the control points for other methods of surveying such as plane table surveying, chain surveying etc. Control surveys consist of horizontal and vertical controls, which require fundamentally different methods of establishment, although some control points may be common to both control nets. The Method Statement for Surveying Works is the process of detailing how setting-outs and survey works will be carried out in construction projects. The field of photogrammetry is one of the survey technologies to make a topographic map from the aerial photographs. Establishing accurately located control points for plane and geodetic surveys of large areas. One method for measuring elevation is to use differential leveling. This is the first stage in a project that requires survey control. Before survey-grade satellite positioning was available, the most common technique for conducting control surveys was . used, (3) the method used to derive information such as Global Positioning System or conventional survey, (4) all horizontal and/or vertical control points used (5) a combined or correctional factor, (6) the convergence angleThe coordinates of a minimum of two (2) ., reference points relevant to the survey shall be shown on the plat or map. iv) Military or Defence Survey is carried out to map places of military . Surveyor working with control points on GPS equipment. Construction Surveying Manual for Contractors ODOT Page 2 of 31 Engineering Automation January 15, 2021 Control Network - An array of control stations either established by the Contractor or provided by the Agency. 3.8 Kukkamaki method 44 3.9 10-40 method 47 3.10 Compensation check 50 3.11 General Observing Routine 50 3.12 Parallax 50 3.13 Balanced Sights 50 3.14 Sight Length 51 3.15 Atmospheric Conditions 51 3.16 Closure Tolerance 52 3.16.1 Cumulative Closure 52 3.17 Leveling Procedures to the Reading Mark (RM) of the Electric Tape Gage (ETG) 53 Establish the baseline, an accurately measured distance between 2 control points. Method of Surveying in Civil Engineering. Temporary - forced centered -tripod points are used for this purpose. The averaging method, which is included in this study is limited to averaging over 180 seconds. (b) Establishing agency (name of Contractor or subcontractor who Information on control points established by the Contractor. In past times the surveyor was somewhat inhibited in his choice of method to fix controls because of the tedium of computation. earths the length of the propose road as well as the width is taken as; a. A critical aspect of this type of work is developing horizontal and vertical positions of these control points relative to a desired horizontal . Plane Surveying: The type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane, or in which its spheroidal shape is neglected, with regard to horizontal distances and directions. The user should be cautious when using the control finder application because elevations for some non NGS station (e.g. All such control recovered or established shall be utilized to the fullest extent. Horizontal control network may be established by one of the following methods: traversing, triangulation, trilateration, GPS, photogrammetry. Location of a point by measurement from two points of reference. 4 • Control Survey: Made to establish the horizontal and vertical positions of arbitrary points. The control points P01-P08 were located in tunnel, they can't directly connect with the other points on the ground. Using trigonometry and the measured length of just one side, the other distances in the triangle are calculated. Establishing accurately located control points in connection with aerial surveying; Accurate location of engineering projects such as Centre lines, terminal points and shafts for long tunnels, and Centre lines and abutments for long span bridges. Reference grids are used for accurate setting out of works of large magnitude. The purpose of control surveys is to provide a uniform framework of reference for the coordination of all surveying activities within a given area. 1. Traversing and triangulation (measuring angles of triangles) are further discussed in this chapter. Length of propose road . Control Station - Any item identified in the Project records as having a position and elevation on the Project datum and intended to be used to control the many phases of the . • Boundary Survey: Made to determine the length and direction of land lines and to establish the position of these lines on the ground. Get all your industrial equipment from Ejawda. It is also used in geodesy. The baseline should occupy fairly level ground (< 5º). To carry out the survey, we should project them from tunnel to the roofs vertically. In this case the method is an integral part of the horizontal transfer procedure (Figure 3) and is usually per- 10.4.1 Horizontal GPS Techniques Equipment 2/4/2009 10-99 The points are considered definitive and subsequent survey work, such as then establishing chainage points Surveyors conduct control surveys to extend and add point density to horizontal control networks. 4.2 Transfer of Vertical Control The vertical control transfer technique may be used for shafts of any depth. The methods of triangulation require a maximum number of precise angle measurements . The method of surveying called triangulation is based on the trigonometric proposition that if one side The task will be done according to . Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping Guideline for Control Surveys by GNSS - SP1 2 Version 2.1 1.2 Normative References This Guideline should be read in conjunction with the Standard for the Australian Survey Control Network - Special Publication 1, Version 2.1 herein referred to as the Standard. Orientation". Triangulation is a surveying method that measures the angles in a triangle formed by three survey control points. The horizontal positions of the points can be obtained in a number of different ways in addition to traversing. - Control lines should be easy to re-establish. Control survey: used to reference preliminary and layout surveys. Triangulation is a surveying method that measures the angles in a triangle formed by three survey control points. • Theodolite traversing is used to compute the area of a traverse. Electronic distance measurement technologies make trilateration a cost-effective positioning technique for control surveys. Plane surveying. The control point surveying or table surveying are also quite effective in making a topographic map within a local survey. Based on the instruments used one can classify the contouring in different groups. Use a minimum of three known horizontal control points and four known vertical control well disbursed throughout the network. Trilateration is an alternative to triangulation that relies upon distance measurements only. • Topographic Survey: Made to gather data to produce a topographic map showing the configuration of the terrain and the location of natural and man-made objects. Traverse (surveying) Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks. above sea level is carefully determined. They are listed as follows: • Manual Method - Manual slope staking using a rag tape, fiberglass rod and level. They should surround the site as much as possible. 1. Engineering survey is of prime importance consisting of three broad steps: reconnaissance survey, preliminary survey, location survey; which helps in collecting requisite data for planning, design and execution of engineering projects such as construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams etc. 4 • Control Survey: Made to establish the horizontal and vertical positions of arbitrary points. Recommended CDOT Quality Standard 0.04 m (0.13 ft) vertical, 95% confidence interval Quality Assurance Control Points Additional vertical control points may be set at the discretion of the . It is also used in geodesy. Direct methods. The surveyor must provide proof of photo control points being measured at least twice by RTK methods, spot-checked by conventional survey methods, and that the positional differences are insignificant.
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