which prophet prophesied the triumphant entry to jerusalem

which prophet prophesied the triumphant entry to jerusalem

people been prophesied? The reason why the people placed their coats and the branches of palm trees on the road was to honor and celebrate Jesus' coming into Jerusalem just like He was a king returning into the city. In doing so, Jesus sent a surprising message to the crowds waiting for him. Zechariah 12:10 - Spirit Of Grace Poured Out Upon Israel. The Triumphal Entry. The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is narrated in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44 and John 12:12-19. Therefore, there are exactly 69 Weeks of Years (173,880 days) between the decree of King Artaxerxes in 445 B.C to rebuild Jerusalem to Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 A.D.!! In Mt 20 Jesus says what will happen in Jerusalem, and it was not for the Jews to praise him as the great ruler from Judah. Answer. Background. See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." — Zechariah 9:9. The First Triumphal Entry. One prophetic year is 360 days. The following comparison is primarily based on the New International Version (NIV): Jesus, the disciples and the crowd went to Bethphage from Jericho (20:29). The prophet Zechariah foretold that God's promised King would ride into Jerusalem on an ass, yes, "even upon a full-grown animal the son of a she-ass." King Solomon had similarly ridden to his anointing on the offspring of an ass. No chariot or litter, no purebred horse; Jesus came on a donkey's colt, using other peoples' cloaks as his saddle. Reflection: This prophecy of the Messiah, God's anointed king, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey was fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem in the last week of his life - the week we refer to as "Holy Week." The people were expecting that Jesus would expel the Roman army that was occupying the city and establish an earthly kingdom. Zechariah was another Old Testament prophet. Jesus came to Jerusalem in humility, yet with appropriate dignity. Matthew records that when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, "Who is this?" And the crowds said, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee" (vv. Remarkably, this event was described by the prophet Zechariah 500 years before Christ was born. This was exactly what the prophet Zechariah had said would happen to the Messiah. In God's Word, Zechariah the prophet prophesied of this day in saying "Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! But we also notice his a-triumphal entry when we observe how Jesus fulfills the messianic prophecy of a humble coming as foretold by Zechariah ( Zech 9:9 . This was exactly what the prophet Zechariah had said would happen to the Messiah. Matthew could see that Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem was a fulfilment of the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. The story of the triumphal entry is one of the few incidents in the life of Jesus which appears in all four Gospel accounts ( Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19 ). The following comparison is primarily based on the New International Version (NIV): Jesus, the discipes and the crowd went to Bethphage from Jericho (20:29). School. The Gospel of Luke recounts how Jesus fulfilled the words spoken by the prophet Zechariah as he entered Jerusalem in a "triumphal entry" during the climactic week ending his ministry (Luke 19:28-44). It occurred on April 6, 32 AD. Reverend Martin Adhikary. to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying: 5"SAY TO THE DAUGHTER OF ZION, 'BEHOLD, YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU, HUMBLE, AND MOUNTED ON A DONKEY, ON A COLT, THE FOAL OF A BEAST OF BURDEN.'" 6The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. What Suleiman didn't know was that he was fulfilling another prophecy found in Ezekiel 44:1-2 in which the Lord says, "This gate is to remain shut. Jesus Christ will deliver Jerusalem from the nations that will gather to fight against it After prophesying about the Lord's mortal ministry, Zechariah prophesied about His Second Coming. Matthew 21:1-11 The Triumphal Entry is told in each of the Gospel accounts (Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29- 38; John 12:12-19), but each includes different details and emphases. But this time is totally different from all His arrival to Jerusalem. 1. 12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. Jesus rides in triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfilling the b.c. Sixty-nine of these "weeks" were fulfilled in 483 years. 520 prophecy of the Prophet Zechariah, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the . This was a prophecy that was recorded by the Prophet Zechariah. Zechariah 11:1-7 - Israel's Rejected Shepherd. The entry of Christ into the city of Jerusalem was not only a literal fulfillment of prophecy, but it was a demonstration of . The Triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem and then into the Jerusalem temple is narrated in all the Gospels in the Bible. Third, Jesus used the donkey to connect with the . One of those weeks, the seventieth week, is yet to be fulfilled. . Presence of the Prophet (Matthew 21:1-7) Jesus sent two disciples to secure a donkey to ride into Jerusalem, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah. But as triumphal as that entry was, it was nothing compared to the Lord's first one on the night when He was born in Bethlehem. "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! MESSIANIC PROPHECY — Entry Into Jerusalem Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem initiated the Passion week. As Jesus entered the holy city, He neared the culmination of a long journey toward Golgotha. People threw their cloaks in celebration and welcomed him with joyful shouts of praise to God. Like many prophecies, the specific details regarding how Zechariah's prophecies will be fulfilled will not be clear until after their fulfillment. The triumphal entry - Jesus' famous ride on this lowly animal reveals much about Christ's character and. All the Gospels have the triumphal entry, and they all quote from Zechariah's prophecy in Zechariah 9. Bethpage is one of the last villages on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem, and is located on the Mount of Olives. This prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 21:1-11 when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and it was triumphant because he had done so without bloodshed on the side of the people. Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! 158. When we examine the period between March 14, 445 BC and April 6, 32 AD, and correct for leap years, we discover that it is 173,880 days exactly, to the very day! But all what he found there was very displeasing to him. The Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is narrated in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44 and John 12:12-19. First Coming of Christ. It is the Virgin's Son. About 500 years before Jesus was born, " the word of the Lord came to the prophet Zechariah " (Zch 1:1). He ministered around 520 BC. November 4, 2021. Who is it that is coming into Jerusalem, seated on a donkey? Jesus has been to Jerusalem many, many times at this point throughout His ministry. The Triumphal Entry - Matthew 21:1-11. 1305. The events they foresaw were pieces of God's deliberate plan, a plan carried out by Jesus. The narratives are found in gospels according to Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19 and John 12 with varying details. We see this event recorded in Matthew 21:1-11. Thus, the exact date of Jesus' "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem when the multitudes of Jewish people proclaimed Him the Messiah was the 10 th of Nisan or March 30, 33 A.D., the day Christians refer to as "Palm Sunday". while fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 in every detail. Daniel gave a specific prophecy, revealing the exact time our Lord would enter Jerusalem. Often our problems make us wonder if . The prophet Zechariah also prophesied about the coming of the Messiah … "And on that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives" ( Ezekiel 43:11; Zechariah 14:4). See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." (Zechariah 9:9 NIV) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. So people celebrate this event. That's as it should be. The prophet Daniel foretold of the Triumphal Entry in his prophecy of the seventy weeks. Thy King cometh unto thee. He comes triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey— on a colt, the foal of a donkey " (Zechariah 9:9) Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, which was a fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. The New Testament writers focus upon incidents that are to occur in connection with Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Presence of the Prophet (Matthew 21:1-7) Jesus sent two disciples to secure a donkey to ride into Jerusalem, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah. It is the one prophesied by Isaiah, 700 years earlier. The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was prophesied several years before it happened. One prophetic year is 360 days. So let us give thanks for Jesus . Passion Week: Jesus' Triumphal Entry Palm Sunday Read Matthew 21:1-11. . Zechariah 12 - Jerusalem In The Eye Of The Storm. The prophet Zechariah had prophesied about Christ the King five centuries earlier. Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! He knew and understood the prophecies of Israel's coming king who would restore the throne of David. Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19 Supplementary scriptures: Zechariah 9:9-13, 2 Kings 9:1-13 The triumphal entry references Jesus' descent from Mount of Olives into Jerusalem. 7:12-13). St. Matthew (Matthew 21:5) and St. John see a fulfilment of this prophecy in Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the first day of the week in which he was crucified. Jesus rode on a donkey to Jerusalem for this purpose. The Triumphal Entry: January 2013 1 THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY: 10TH Day of the First Month In Egypt, the time that the lambs were selected by the family and held until the 14th day for the Passover meal was the tenth day of the first month. Novgorod. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey - even on a donkey's colt. Zechariah prophesied Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey … Rejoice greatly, O people of Zion! Here, Jesus worked deliberately to fulfill prophecy, especially of the prophecy of Daniel's Seventy Weeks, which many feel Jesus fulfilled to the exact day on His triumphal entry. Central to the entire operation is the familiar Scripture from Zechariah 9:9, quoted in part by both Matthew and John, and with subtle variations from the original text. The donkey was a beast of burden but also the mount of a king of Israel. - Multiply 483 years x 360 days = 173,880 days. On the next day, the great multitude who had come to the feast [Passover], when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees, and went out to meet Him, and began to cry out, "Hosanna . The triumphal entry (Luke 19:28—38) presents Jesus as the one who fights against injustice. 2 Part II: Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on the colt of a donkey (John 12:14-16) . Featuring Amnon Shor, Lee Strobel and Ed Hindson. It was the only day that He ever allowed Himself to be honored as Messiah or King (Mark 11:1-12) as the people of Israel cried out and sang "Hosanna . The accounts of the triumphal entry are primarily narrative. One of the omissions—the A.V. a MATT. All attempts to disprove the Messianic import of this passage have been unavailing. Yet Jesus did accept the people's praise (Luke 19:40), and the details . The Lord has made the light (which is Jesus) to shine on us. John finishes his account of the triumphal entry saying, "Look, the world has gone after him" (John 12:19). It is shared in all four Gospels ( Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19) as one of the key events of Jesus' earthly ministry. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday—the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as the King of kings the week of Passover. (Zechariah 9:9) Reader 2: And it happened … It is possible that Jesus made arrangements beforehand to have a donkey and her colt ready for His use, but it is also possible that only His reputation preceded Him. Part I: The Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem (John 12:12-13) . Sixty-nine of these "weeks" were fulfilled in 483 years. The essence of this entry into Jerusalem is to save mankind and grant him success (Psalm 118:25-27). Introduction. The prophecy is very exact. 2021 24 Mar God never missed an opportunity to use powerful symbols throughout Scripture. The utter destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was God's judgment for their failure to recognize and receive Jesus as their Messiah. Multiply 483 years x 360 (to get the total number of days in this prophecy) = 173,880 days; The prophet Daniel, . So, the prophet Daniel (who lived 500 years before Jesus Christ was born) wrote that from the day of the . Remember that Zechariah was using Jacob's prophecy. We notice that the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is less than triumphal when we contrast the manner of his entry with the pomp and circumstance expected of royal entries in the first century. 1. Description. (Image credit: ArtWay) Many of us are familiar with the account of Jesus's so-called "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem, which is one of the few stories told by all four gospels. When the owner of the Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem teaches us about the three offices of Jesus. Jesus has been prophesying that he would go to Jerusalem and suffer and be crucified at the hands of the Jewish leaders. The date that many scholars have accepted as the time of the Messiah's arrival is Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In spite of the seeming threat, Jerusalem was to be protected - in view of her coming King (9:8). Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! Then segment of 62 "weeks" runs to April 6, 32 A.D. That is the date Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt on what we call Palm Sunday, or His Triumphal Entry. Zechariah 9:9 - The First Coming Of King Messiah - His Triumphant Entry. Jesus enters into the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Why Else the East Gate is Significant This dramatic scene - closely parallels the prophecy of Zech. He is the Prophet (Acts 3:22), Priest (Heb. Now, please turn to Matthew 20. . Matthew 21 : 1 - 11 Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. The "Triumphal Entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem was a momentous event recorded by all four Gospel writers (Matthew 21:1-16; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-46; John 12:12-19). Historically, it marked the high point of Jesus' ministry. It was a joyful event forit meant Jesus was showing the nation that the King and Messiah had indeed come. ca 1400. It is amazing to realize that Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem was predicted, to the very day, hundreds of years in advance. He had come to save the lost ( Luke 19:10 ), and now was the time—this was the place—to secure that . So, the easiest way to unravel this prophecy is to first convert this prophecy into days: - Add 7 + 62 weeks = 69 weeks of years. - Multiply 69 (weeks) x 7 (years) = 483 years. not everyone was happy about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. God had promised David that He would raise up his seed in time to come and establish his kingdom and his throne forever (2Sam. ca. Before then, he told only select people, like his disciples, and he often reminded them to keep his identity secret. a new prophet, some to worship a new king, and others out of . The reason for choosing this date is that this is when Jesus publicly declared that he was the Messiah. . phrase: "having salvation'—may seem strange, since it was for this . The Gospel of Matthew is plentifully endowed with the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. 7They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them. God foretold to the day when Messiah would present Himself to Israel as their Messiah-King. 10-11). The Triumphal Entry: January 2013 1 THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY: 10TH Day of the First Month In Egypt, the time that the lambs were selected by the family and held until the 14th day for the Passover meal was the tenth day of the first month.
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