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The Cailleach: Another Blogging Ginger And it's worth it. Join us at the 2022 Truth & Liberty Coalition Conference. 17,356 signatures Goal: 25,000 . Canada, Australia . A blog about life in Canada. In 4 short months, we have grown to 62,000 of you joining our mailing list, 50,000 […] Learn More May 28; Union leader files petition to protect Air Canada workers from federal vaxx mandates. In its petition, the Clark Fork Coalition also requests the Public Service Commission order Algonquin itself to be a party in the proceeding. This is the 51st episode of the podcast. One-Time. Fill out the Form We say NO to the "New Normal" for children Over the last 18 months, children have been made to carry the weight of the world and have been forced to endure completely unnecessary restrictions and abuse. We take your privacy seriously. The governing authorities must be obeyed ( Romans 13:1 ). Trip to DC: Congress, Liberty Coalition, FDA bill... So, along with the help of Niagara MP Dean Allison, Dr. Pelech initiated Petition e-3696 to the House of Commons in order to "suspend the use of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women, children, youth, and adults of child-bearing age until the ongoing short- and long-term safety trials are fully completed and published in peer-reviewed journals." In a letter published by Liberty Coalition Canada, a group of Evangelical pastors comments: "This bill's wording is sufficiently broad to allow for the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism. Liberty Coalition Canada started this petition to Provincial Premiers and 3 others The restrictions placed on Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during lockdowns, have had innumerable negative effects. The tide is turning. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms sets out those rights and freedoms that Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society. Liberty Coalition Canada - Strong and Free Canada The Constitution is a set of laws containing the basic rules about how our country operates. On Guard For Thee - Rally For Liberty - Home | Facebook We encourage you to review and consider . Call number: 424-203-8405. The initiative titled "We Will Gather Easter 2021" was launched by Liberty Coalition Canada and has received pledges from 65 different churches who have committed to remain open for Good Friday and Easter Sunday, according to the organization. Janet Folger Porter is the Founder and President of Faith2Action—formed to WIN the cultural war for life, liberty, and the family.. Porter is also the architect of the pro-life Heartbeat Bill which ensures that "if a heartbeat is detected the baby is protected.". ACT: Take 2 minutes to add your voice to specific 2nd Amendment action items. If your workplace, organization, or educational institution is demanding your vaccination status, there are resources out there you can use to combat them. The petition to New York State Senators and Gov. In a free and democratic society like Canada, these principles rarely come into true conflict. Jesus advised his disciples that in the world they must be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves . World Freedom Declaration - Health Freedom Defense Fund The Menthol Cigarette Ban Shows There Is No Democracy Without Petitions March 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - A freedom coalition group that called for an end to COVID lockdowns invited all Christian churches in Canada to a "week of prayer and fasting" from February 28 to. Founded in 1967 with the express goal to stand up for Canadian taxpayers and to champion small-C conservative values, The National Citizens Coalition is made up of a dedicated group of individuals working together to ensure the continued success of Canada's largest non-partisan organization. Despite all of these lawful efforts to let . The narratives range from Motion M-103's allegations of "systematic racism" and "religious discrimination" and even extend to accusations of genocide. Air Quality Coalition, Liberty Packing Company, LLC, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Norman R. Brown, Jo- . Freedom coalition calls for 'week of prayer and fasting' to end ... Dear President Trump, The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express our strong support for the proposed President's Commission on Climate Security. MacArthur told Fox News that he believes . . We ask governments and public health officials to re-focus the global pandemic response on medical treatment options for the ill, encourage broader scientific and public discourse, and restore all suspended democratic processes and civil liberties. As of date, the petition . He serves as pastor of Liberty Grace Church in Toronto. We The People NEWS. Canadian Academics for Covid Ethics 290 talking about this. JOIN: Support FPC's efforts to defend our constitutional rights. 1531 (petition for a writ of certiorari filed Apr. Governor Phil Murphy & State Legislators: We respectfully urge you to SUPPORT the Liberty State Park PROTECTION ACT to once & for all preserve the priceless public park FOR ALL PEOPLE to enjoy without privatization.The LSP Protection Act & LSP's Caven Point natural area habitat are threatened by the multi-billionaire owner's Liberty National Golf Course plans to impede the Act from passing . Apr 20; Just The News Now . Truth & Liberty Coalition | Promoting True Reformation Of Nations It eventually could include Canada. 1. . ix 81,279. The organization's Hazlitt Coalition, dedicated to advancing the cause of liberty at the state level, features over 170 pro-liberty legislators from nearly 40 states. After Roe, There's Work To Be Done Rebel News. Liberty Power Holdings Takes Action To Ensure Continuing Operations and ... PDF Supreme Court of the United States Support gun rights and ensure a victory for the Second Amendment in 2022! News - Action 4 Liberty The Charter is one part of the Canadian Constitution. Call time: 1 p.m. EST. 86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA ... The joint application for sale approval is pending before the Montana Public Service Commission. The church must assemble (see Hebrews 10:25 ); and. Dr. Michael Thiessen from Liberty Coalition Canada interviews Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd) on the need to employ a systematic approach to unravel the pernicious and unsubstantiated narratives that are tearing Canada apart. The Great Barrington Declaration - As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. If you share our alarm, your support is welcome. Petition, 5 October 2021. Govt of Canada Petition Launched to Stop Covid-19 Vaccination This free event will be held Sept. 8-10 at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. We are unused to being in this position. These individuals are pastors, a lawyer, and even a constable. 4000 Pastors Rant Against Canada's Ex-Gay Torture Ban Janet Folger Porter - Truth and Liberty Coalition On this ground, Bility said, the Party's Executive Committee has resolved to endorse ANC's Cummings to face president Weah. Canadian liberty group releases declaration on freedom from ... 30, 2021). Newly Formed Caucus to Challenge 'Unprecedented Mass Violations of ... Firearms Policy Coalition To pastor is to suffer. Pastor Rodney Fortin - Church in the Vine, Edmonton, Alberta. Liberty Coalition Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of James S. M. Kitchen as our Chief Litigator. The idea of a political system is not simply to be efficient. Take Action Canada - Your World • Your Life • Your Choice Home - CCLA 2. According to him, the party is preparing to go for a congress very . Petition · I Support "End the Lockdowns Caucus" · The declaration was initially signed by 17 individuals who are affiliated with LCC. Vaccine Exemptions - No More Lockdowns Canada Liberty Coalition Canada - Posts | Facebook He is also cofounder of Gospel for Life, and director of Advance Church Planting Institute. Natural Solutions Foundation's supporters have further concerns. the form of "freedom petitions . The State Assembly passed the New York State Liberty Act (S4075) on February 6, 2017, a bill that would strengthen protections for undocu Dial-in . Liberty Coalition Canada. This has included: Morrison County GOP operated as a slush fund, raising 97% of their money with out-of-district lobbyists and special interests. The Open Letter Demanding that Mayor of Kelowna Rescind Anti-abortion Proclamation petition to Mayor Walter Gray, City of Kelowna was written by Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada / Coalition pour le droit à l'avortement au Canada and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition. Heartbeat Bills have been introduced in 29 states and passed in ten (and counting): Arkansas (2013), North Dakota (2013), Iowa . They also indicated that they earnestly prayed for the government, sent letters and petitions to their authorities, participated in peaceful protests, and even filed lawsuits. the United States and Canada. Make no mistake, Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith who have children, or who hope . Search results for: canada news - Rumble Today the Liberty Coalition is delivering a letter to the chairmen of the health committees of both houses of Congress, signed by organizations representing millions of citizens. "We're trying to invite people across the country to celebrate Christ's death, burial, and . CEI Leads Coalition Letter on Commission on Climate Security (d) freedom of association. Mar 4; SITUATION UPDATE 5/27/22. Read full article below. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and. Sign the Declaration. Add your name and email below to join the campaign contact list.